Week 14 Master Key Adventure



Happy New Year 2014


This past year has been one of growth and excitement!!!   There were challenges that strengthened me and allowed me to grow.  I can look back to the day I started this class, the many challenges I had to work through and  the growth that has taken place and  it  just fills my heart with Gratitude!

As I was reflecting back, it made me realize that  the Possibilities  of this New Year are endless.  I see each possibility as  presents waiting to be unwrapped, there is excitement for what  is in the boxes,  knowing there was thought, love and consideration put into each of these gifts.  All I have to do is unwrap each one  to expose what is inside.  It could be as small as a single success, or a huge challenge to overcome or one of the greatest triumphs I have ever seen but before I will ever know what it is, I must receive it to make it mine and accept it with gratitude , good or what I perceive as bad, knowing it is exactly what I need to reach my final goals.

We all have these gifts just waiting for us in this New Year, What will we do with them?

Will we accept them with Gratitude knowing the gift may not be what we wanted or will we just reject the gift and lose out on the possibility that lies inside? May we all accept them  with open arms  and continue growing upward and onward.  3645_gift

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